The Secret to Consistently Doing Great Work

Consistently creating exceptional creative work requires a process. Over the last 23 years of running an agency, I have worked with hundreds of clients in a wide variety of industries. In the previous two decades, I developed a system for creative work. Most agencies follow the four D approach (Discover, Design, Develop, Deploy). This has been overused by almost every agency worldwide, but the four Ds also lacks original thinking, sounds like a failing report card, and doesn't work consistently. The methodology Zenman developed applies to any client in any industry.


Come prepared for the kickoff. I start working on a project well before the Inception Meeting. Our team hits the ground sprinting by having an intimate understanding of the client's industry, competitors, and the unique challenges they face in the market. Take the time to do your research, and not only will you do better work, but your new client will also have increased confidence. Do your research, so you have data to back up your recommendations. One of my favorite sayings is:

 "If we have facts we will use facts, if we have an opinion we will just use mine" - Keith


I have worked with designers that think they know everything that the customer needs without first listening to the client's business objectives, mission/vision, and requirements. How can you possibly know your client's business better than they do? Even if you have worked in the industry dozens of times, try and have a beginner's mind (Shoshin). There are many possibilities to an open mind, but to a closed mind, there is only one. Make constant eye contact with the customer to show that you are actively listening and always taking notes on paper/pencil vs. your laptop. Taking physical notes does two things; first, it shows that your attention is focused 100% on what they are saying and in helps with retentions of what you hear. It will be easier to sell your creative work when the designs align with the business objectives and are on-brand. 

Do the Work

You did your research and listened to the customer, now it's time to do the work. Everyone's creative process is unique, but here are a few tried and true hacks for producing great work:

  • Focus time - Give yourself time during the day to work without distraction. Turn off all alerts and allow yourself to get into the flow-state. 

  • Pencil & Paper - Start with sketches instead of your iMac. Allow yourself to be creative with analog tools, and it will speed up the design process AND elevate your creativity.

  • Don't Procrastinate - Spend time doing the project well before it's due, and you will do better work. Yes, it's possible to do substantial work when you are up against a deadline, but that is an adrenaline rush based on your looming presentation's urgency. It doesn't give you time to reflect and revise on the work or thoroughly proof the design.


Be open to change. It will probably improve the end result. Many creatives don't want to collaborate on their work with clients. The reality is that the synergy between the creative and customer consistently results in a better-finished product. The nuances of the customer's niche or target audience in concert with design expertise will elevate the effectiveness. Once the work is in the world, we continue to iterate based on conversion, so the iteration never stops. It's always possible to improve.

Good commercial design isn't about winning awards for the agency. Your job is to sell the customer's product or service effectively. Always be focused on how to be of service, and the accolades will come.


What’s In Your Icebox


Stop Starting Start Finishing