Lessons From Ferris Bueller

The all-time greatest movie ever made is hands down Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I have tried to model my entire life after the classic John Hughes's character. In High School, I would ditch class to go to the museum, although it didn't have the priceless works of art Ferris saw at the Art Institute of Chicago, I didn't have a Ferrari either. In the film, Mathew Brodrick shared some wisdom on his larger-than-life day off.

"If we played by the rules, right now, we'd be in gym class."

The Poem 'A Road Less Taken' is a filter I use to make choices in life. A traditional path followed by most never appealed to me. By breaking the mold of what society expects, you can unlock life's true potential. Start a business, invent something, paint, or write a book. Hell, I have a degree in Undersea Photography. You don't have to play by the rules. Don't get me wrong. I am not talking about robbing a bank. Everyone knows right from wrong and be mindful of your karma. It's the route you take that can be unique. The road less travel is many times more beautiful and rewarding. A couple of years ago, the scene from the movie when Ferris said this came to mind. In the film, Ferris, Sloan, and Cameron are a Cubs game while his classmates are all running laps in gym. I was hiking the Inca Trail to Manchu Picchu with one of my best friends, Finnian Kelly. We were attending an EO (Entrepreneurs Organization) leadership academy in Peru, and before it started, the two of us made the traditional pilgrimage on foot to the ancient ruins. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity presented itself because we choose a different path.    

"How can I possibly be expected to handle school on a day like this?"

The book Let My People Go Surfing documents how the founder of Patagonia was the OG when it came to company culture. Yvon Chouinard founded Patagonia because of his love of the outdoor lifestyle, and that passion was never clouded by greed as the company scaled. He understood that on days when the waves were perfect, you needed to surf before sitting down at a desk. Yvon had an innovative approach to business in that he put his employees before profit. Yvon Chouinard, a mountain climber, surfer, and environmentalist, founded Patagonia in 1973. He found his entrepreneurial feet as early as 1958, forging climbing pitons out of scrap metal and selling them for $1.50 each. He lived happily, stubbornly as a rebel, climbing, surfing, and traveling at will. 

"If you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, in two weeks, you'd have a diamond."

This line in the film is in reference to Ferris's best friend being so stressed out all the time. Stress is a killer, and it's also something we can avoid. In today's culture, we let small events have a significant impact on our mental state. Things like traffic trigger the release of cortisol in our brains. This response was a necessary reaction for our primitive ancestors to trigger their fight or flight response when threatened by a predator but not ideal when your coffee order gets mixed up. Daily meditation is an excellent way to balance your brain's neurochemistry helping to reduce your stress levels. 

"Life moves pretty fast; if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Most people walking the earth today don't live in the present moment. We waste today looking forward to a time when we will be happy in the future. Worst of all, many people create material possession milestones as requirements for their happiness. I will let you in on a big secret. Your time is more valuable than money. It is a finite resource that can't be replenished, and when it's gone, the game is over. Live every day with gratitude. Think about the things you have instead of what you desire. I have this quote taped to the mirror in my bathroom. Every morning the first thing I see is, "Life moves pretty fast; if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." It reminds me that each day is a gift that should not be squandered. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.


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