Why Everyone Should Take a Cold Shower

A couple of years ago, I saw a Ted talk that changed my mornings forever. The video showed a person standing in a glass box filled with ice up to his neck. The man's name is Wim Hof, also known as the iceman. Wim is famous for his ability to withstand freezing temperatures. "I traveled the world, studying everything from Karate and Kung Fu to Yoga and Buddhism. But nothing quite fulfilled me," Wim said. So with an understanding of Tummo meditation (a Tibetan Buddhist meditation practice) and Pranayama yogic breathing, he created his technique, the Wim Hof Method. Through his method, he set dozens of Guinness world records. They include swimming under ice, prolonged full-body contact with ice, and a barefoot half-marathon on ice and snow. Even more impressive, he never gets sick's. Wim attributes these feats to his regiment of frequent cold exposure, breathing techniques, and meditation. Wim believes that anyone can learn his method and become super-human.

Immunity Boost

One of the most surprising benefits of the Wim Hof Method is an elevated immune system. Scientists have studied Wim by injecting and sample groups that practice WHM with viruses to see if they become infected at a higher rate than the control group. They were amazed to see how the WHM dramatically reduced the rate of infection. A study by London's Thrombosis Research Institute found that as the body tries to warm itself during and after a cold shower, "the metabolic rate speeds up and activates the immune system, which leads to the release of more white blood cells," which is the key to fighting off sickness.

Improve Your Mood

Cold showers can help treat depression symptoms, triggering a flood of mood-boosting endorphins. The cold water causes a small amount of oxidative stress on your nervous system, which your body learns to deal with over time, resulting in increased tolerance to daily stress and aggravation. It also lowers levels of uric acid and boosts Glutathione levels in your blood, making you less stressed in general.

Healing Effects

A cold plunge has magical healing effects on your body. The exposure to cold reduces inflammation and improves recovery by changing the way blood and other fluids flow through your body. When you sit in cold water, your blood vessels constrict; when you get out, they dilate (or open back up). This process helps flush away metabolic waste post-workout

The truth is, there is a myriad of health benefits to starting your day under the icy rain of a cold shower, all backed by some solid science. A cold shower will give you more energy, help your complexion, boost your body's immune system, and even help you lose weight. These are all excellent benefits, and you will get a sense of accomplishment because it's not easy, especially at first. When that rush of chilled water hits your skin, it takes willpower to stand under that stream and let it run down your back. Your breathing naturally speeds up, and so you have to focus on long, deep breaths. But then I'm finished, and I've already overcome a tough situation. That encourages similar behavior throughout the day. 


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