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OAK Method

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Write a Letter
Keith Roberts Keith Roberts

Write a Letter

With the technology at our fingertips for communications, we have lost of art of writing a handwritten letter or note. This shift to electronic correspondence in our culture caused the magic of a personal message is lost in translation. When we physically put pen to paper, our emotions are transmitted to the page. That's why we treasure the fingerpaintings that are children created. It's not because these works of art are instant masterpieces; in-fact, they are worthless to everyone but you. I wanted to share a few exercises and best practices to regain the magic of writing a letter by hand.

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Visualization to Manifest Your Best Life
Keith Roberts Keith Roberts

Visualization to Manifest Your Best Life

It's possible to manifest your best life through visualization. You can attract a new career that aligns with your Ikigai, have connected relationships, and even the home you want. All possibilities in the quantum field exist in the present moment as electromagnetic potentials. Where attention goes, energy flows. By aligning our intentions and emotions, we create new energy inside ourselves that is the same frequency as the future we want to attract. 

Clear intentions + Emotion = New Energy. 

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Daily Intentions
Keith Roberts Keith Roberts

Daily Intentions

What are you going to do with today? I am not asking what busy work, honey-do list, or random everyday tasks you have to complete. What will you do today to reach your boundless potential and progress towards living your best life? Benjamin Franklin would start every day by asking himself this question: What good will I do this day?

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Goal Setting For Success
Keith Roberts Keith Roberts

Goal Setting For Success

What are the dreams and goals that you want to accomplish in this lifetime? They can be small objectives or big hairy audacious goals but take the time to think of three specific goals; one for your personal life, one professional, and finally, one family or community goal. It's essential to select balanced objectives instead of only choosing all business/career goals to balance your life. If one area of your life is struggling, it will eventually impact the others. Take the time to ponder what are the most critical goals to accomplish in the next 90 days. It's essential to think about goals that can be completed at that time because, as humans, we tend to lose focus and momentum after three months. If a goal is going to take longer, break it up into smaller milestones that can be completed in 90 days.

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Core Hours
Keith Roberts Keith Roberts

Core Hours

Core hours is a proven technique to help you be as productive as possible with your most valuable resource: your time. We all have the same 24 hours every day, but some people seem to accomplish significantly more in the same amount of time. The difference is simple; how they use their time is more focused and structured, which empowers them to accomplish more. Core hours are blocks of time that you schedule intentionally to do focused work without distractions or interruptions.

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The Importance of Setting Goals
Keith Roberts Keith Roberts

The Importance of Setting Goals

An enlightened Buddhist monk took one of his students on a walk to share one of life's greatest lessons, having clear goals. The monk was a master archer, and his student had never seen him miss the bullseye in practice, even at a distance of 300 yards. To show his student the importance of having clarity of vision, the monk placed a flower on a side a tree and took ten paces away. He then did something surprising.

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Music is my muse (why I love vinyl)
Keith Roberts Keith Roberts

Music is my muse (why I love vinyl)

When doing creative work, whether it's writing, logo design, etc., I like to listen to vinyl records. I prefer music over silence when I work as long as it's not distracting from my focus and always vinyl records if possible. Literally, any music (except Country) works for me when I am doing design work but when I am writing, I choose something that doesn't' have lyrics to distract me like jazz, trip-hop, or classical music (it's hard to focus on writing an article while singing 'Bring Him Home' from Les Miserables).

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The Power of Laughter
Keith Roberts Keith Roberts

The Power of Laughter

Laughing is one of the best parts of being human. From a small giggle to a deep belly laugh, it's hard to argue that this small act has a significant impact on our happiness, mental fortitude, and even our physical health. It's also too easy to lose this simple joy in life as with as we grow older.

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3-2-1- Zero Email Hack
Keith Roberts Keith Roberts

3-2-1- Zero Email Hack

I wanted to share a life hack that helps me keep my email manageable in less than one hour each day (on average I receive between 150-220 emails in 24 hours). My technique is called 3-2-1-Zero and it breaks down like this:

  • 3 For a 30-minute block of time

  • 2 Twice a day

  • 1 Read each email only once

  • Zero Get your inbox down to zero emails (not zero unread, zero in your inbox)

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Building Discipline
Keith Roberts Keith Roberts

Building Discipline

Why do some people seem to have more willpower and discipline than others? Those individuals aren't' born with different tools than the rest of us, but rather they have built their willpower the same way a bodybuilder develops his biceps. Willpower is something that you can develop over time and continue to strengthen through exercising it and it's essential to living your best possible life. Remember, the only limit you have in this life, are those you put on yourself

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The 4 am secret
Keith Roberts Keith Roberts

The 4 am secret

What time do you get out of bed every morning? Is it the same time each day or does it fluctuate? One of the consistent traits of those that achieve more is that they wake up before most. From entrepreneurs to elite athletes, the most successful individuals have the discipline to start their day consistently before the sunrise.

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The Secret Morning/Evening Routine to Success
Keith Roberts Keith Roberts

The Secret Morning/Evening Routine to Success

Do you want to be more creative, happier, and satisfied with your life? The first ten minutes you are awake and the last ten minutes before you go to sleep hold one of the life-hacks to success. In these brief windows, your subconscious is a sponge absorbing the energy it's exposed to. Rather than filling your head with negativity from the daily news or starting your day stressfully by reading emails as soon as you wake, be mindful of this short window as it impacts your mental wellbeing.

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